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Lyrics :dokoka de togireta monogataribokura mou ichido sono saki etatoe nando hanarete shimatte mohora tsunagatteirusore ja mata ne kawashita kotobaare kara ...
Lyrics :dokoka de togireta monogataribokura mou ichido sono saki etatoe nando hanarete shimatte mohora tsunagatteirusore ja mata ne kawashita kotobaare kara ...
Hi, thank you for watching! ♡ catch me live on every monday 7-8pm pst and thursday 12-1pm pst! & i upload videos sunday a...
Hi, thank you for watching! ♡ catch me live on every monday 7-8pm pst and thursday 12-1pm pst! & i upload videos sunday a...
Rira ikuta (幾田゚ら) is yoasobi's vocalist. Lyrics dokoka de togireta monogataribokura mou ichido sono saki etatoe nando hanarete shimatte mohora tsunagatteirusore ja mata ne kawashita kotobaare kara. Here is the full version.
Rira ikuta (幾田゚ら) is yoasobi's vocalist. this performance her solo activity.
Rira ikuta (幾田゚ら) is yoasobi's vocalist. this performance her solo activity.
This performance her solo activity. This performance her solo activity. Rira ikuta (幾田゚ら) is yoasobi's vocalist.
Here is the full version. & i upload videos sunday a.
Hi, thank you for watching. Lyrics dokoka de togireta monogataribokura mou ichido sono saki etatoe nando hanarete shimatte mohora tsunagatteirusore ja mata ne kawashita kotobaare kara.