Watch yoasobi ahamo lyrics english MP4 and MP3 now.You can watch free mp3 or MP4 as a separate song, or as video and a music collection from any artist Now.
Yes, i'm sorry if the translation is bad, having a hard time, i just use google.
Yes, i'm sorry if the translation is bad, having a hard time, i just use google.
Based on the novel "rgb (written by yuichiro komimon)" written ahamo concept "the joy of connection", yoasobi's new song "three primary colors".
Based on the novel "rgb (written by yuichiro komimon)" written ahamo concept "the joy of connection", yoasobi's new song "three primary colors" ...
Based on the novel "rgb (written by yuichiro komimon)" written ahamo concept "the joy of connection", yoasobi's new song "three primary colors" ...
Yes, i'm sorry if the translation is bad, having a hard time, i just use google. Based on the novel "rgb (written by yuichiro komimon)" written ahamo concept "the joy of connection", yoasobi's new song "three primary colors".